This is all about life at Lyndon Green Junior School from the pupils point of view. Enjoy reading.
Tuesday, 19 November 2013
Monday, 18 November 2013
3E's class assembly
They taught us some interesting information.
First they introduced two children that had came from another school
(not really others its 3E!) to find out some information
as thats their next topic. They showed us Volcanos first and sung us this song...
Friday, 19 April 2013
Year 4 and The Pharaohs
Year 4 have just come to the end of their Cornerstones Pharaohs topic. Here are some of their blogs:-
This term we have been learning about Egyptians which was fun Tutukamen died at 19 after he became king.
Egyptians belived that if your heart weighed less than a feather you would go to the after life and if
your heart weighed more than a feather you would go to the under world and have your heart eaten by a crocodile. LG
First, tickle the person to see if he or she is dead.
Second, wash the body with the water from the Nile.
Next,make a slit on the side and take the intestines, stomach, liver and lungs out.
After, get a red hot hook and take the brain out.
When you have done that, put the organs in canopic jars.
Then, stuff the body with linen to make it look real again.
After that, cover the body in a salt called natron and leave it for 40 days.
Cover the body in oil. Then cover the body in linen.
Next, cover the body with the second layer with amulets.
The Big Dig
We made a 9 squared grid and went outside to The forest school area.We put the grid where Mr. Crees put sticks in the ground. I dug around the side of the grid. Then I took off the grid and started to dig in the inside.We found lots of Egyptian stuff like pieces of potery and shabtis. VR
When we did the big dig we had to look for things in Egyptian
times like coins and jars and other stuff . We had to use a template to dig out it was great fun because I got really messy. But as well it was FREEZING! MO
THE BIG DIG was great fun and it was not warm. I had to do it in my forest school kit. My group found a brick and a bit of corckery and some metal.It was great fun! RC
In our topic we did a dig we found loads of stuff like glass ,toys and other stuff it was brillo. Our topics are really good I loved this topic. AM
The Visitor
For our project there was a special funny visiteor proffessor McGinty. I know he was funny but we learnt a lot of stuff. I hat to dress up as a pharaoh boy, it was so fun. AM
This term we have been learning about Egyptians which was fun Tutukamen died at 19 after he became king.
Egyptians belived that if your heart weighed less than a feather you would go to the after life and if
your heart weighed more than a feather you would go to the under world and have your heart eaten by a crocodile. LG
First, tickle the person to see if he or she is dead.
Second, wash the body with the water from the Nile.
Next,make a slit on the side and take the intestines, stomach, liver and lungs out.
After, get a red hot hook and take the brain out.
When you have done that, put the organs in canopic jars.
Then, stuff the body with linen to make it look real again.
After that, cover the body in a salt called natron and leave it for 40 days.
Cover the body in oil. Then cover the body in linen.
Next, cover the body with the second layer with amulets.
The Big Dig
We made a 9 squared grid and went outside to The forest school area.We put the grid where Mr. Crees put sticks in the ground. I dug around the side of the grid. Then I took off the grid and started to dig in the inside.We found lots of Egyptian stuff like pieces of potery and shabtis. VR
When we did the big dig we had to look for things in Egyptian
times like coins and jars and other stuff . We had to use a template to dig out it was great fun because I got really messy. But as well it was FREEZING! MO
THE BIG DIG was great fun and it was not warm. I had to do it in my forest school kit. My group found a brick and a bit of corckery and some metal.It was great fun! RC
In our topic we did a dig we found loads of stuff like glass ,toys and other stuff it was brillo. Our topics are really good I loved this topic. AM
The Visitor
For our project there was a special funny visiteor proffessor McGinty. I know he was funny but we learnt a lot of stuff. I hat to dress up as a pharaoh boy, it was so fun. AM
Thursday, 28 March 2013
4S's class assembly
On Friday 15th March, 4S did their class assembly. It was all about the finding of the tomb of Tutankhamun. The archeologist who found the tomb was called Howard Carter and his sponsors Lord Canavan and Lady Canavan. They looked around the Valley of the Kings and came upon a tomb. Howard saw great things inside the tomb and when they went inside they had a big shock. There was many things in the tomb and they had a shock when the hieroglyphics talked to them on the wall. Then the mummy of Tutankhamun came and talked to them telling them information about his life ruling egypt. Some information was about his personal life and life as Pharoah. He was crowned at the age of 9. 9! He also married his sister who was 13 because he needed to keep the line of Pharoahs the same blood. He ruled for 10 years and died unexpectantly at 19. He was buried in a tomb that wasn't meant for him in the valley of the kings. Scientists these days believe in many reasons why he died so young like, his uncle Ai killed him so he could have the throne earlier, he could of died of a wounded leg and he died because he had hurt his head. Either of these could be the correct answer and scientists are still working on finding the solution.
After this Carter explained that the treasures that he had found in the tomb had to be taken to be on display at mueseums so people could know about him and his rule. Tutankhamun reluctantly agreed as he thought it may appear babyish to keep old house hold items.
To finish they danced to The Bangles walk like an egyptian.
Tuesday, 19 March 2013
4W's assembly
On Friday 8th March it was class 4W's assembly. They did their assembly on their topic from last term it was called Blood, Bones and Gory bits. They started off talking about the human skeleton. They explained that the human skeleton keeps us upright and if we didn't have it, we would be like jelly people. They then sang a song about the bones in the body and what they are connected to.
They then told us all about our teeth.
We have four different teeth in our mouth as a child, even when we have our baby teeth. They are Insicors,Canines,pre molars and molars. When you become an adult you get an extra four teeth which are called wisdom teeth. The Teeth play an important role in the Digestive System, as they mash the food people put into their mouths. It goes through into the stomach and intestines and the moisture gets squeezed out. And you know what it turns
into? POO! They even did an experiment to show us how it happened. Urrgh!!!!

After the experiment they told us information about the heart. The heart is a muscle and a major organ. We also need to do excersice dayly to make it stronger. The class showed an example for exercising the heart.
They finished their assembly by dancing to Gangnam Style.
They then told us all about our teeth.
We have four different teeth in our mouth as a child, even when we have our baby teeth. They are Insicors,Canines,pre molars and molars. When you become an adult you get an extra four teeth which are called wisdom teeth. The Teeth play an important role in the Digestive System, as they mash the food people put into their mouths. It goes through into the stomach and intestines and the moisture gets squeezed out. And you know what it turns
into? POO! They even did an experiment to show us how it happened. Urrgh!!!!
After the experiment they told us information about the heart. The heart is a muscle and a major organ. We also need to do excersice dayly to make it stronger. The class showed an example for exercising the heart.
They finished their assembly by dancing to Gangnam Style.
Friday, 8 February 2013
Art Gallery - Year 6
In our topic called 'Galleries' we have visited two Art Galleries and looked at 3 different artists. The first one we looked at was Vincent Van Gogh. We looked at his self portrait that was painted in 1889. The next picture we looked of Vincent Van Gogh was where he had a bandaged ear. The reason that he had a bandaged ear was because he chopped part of his ear off during a low stage in his life.
After this we looked at Pablo Picasso. We looked at one of his self Portraits that he did in 1907. We also looked at more modern art.
Here is some abstract art that our class produced, inspired by Robert and Sonia Delaunay. JT
After this we looked at Pablo Picasso. We looked at one of his self Portraits that he did in 1907. We also looked at more modern art.
Here is some abstract art that our class produced, inspired by Robert and Sonia Delaunay. JT
Wednesday, 23 January 2013
Here is a class play written by class 6C based upon their learning about the story of Romeo and Juliet.
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