Thursday, 13 October 2011

Leaf Sewing

Leaf sewing has proved popular this week and children have worked really hard to develop some creative and imaginative ideas. Here are some examples of their work.

Monday, 10 October 2011

Lyndon Green have recently entered a book quiz competition and came 2nd and 4th. It was at King Edwards School for boys. ET

Friday, 17 June 2011


It was a very hard and sad day for the class 5m, because on Friday 17th of June their lovely teacher Miss Meekins, left the school to go have her new baby! In the morning Miss Meekins was being loaded with presents for her and baby. Myself and a few others hugged the soon leaving teacher goodbye, as she got ready to leave I thought how she had been loving, caring person I wished for her to come back soon and be our in school as soon as we go back for the new year when I will be in year 6! AL

Friday, 1 April 2011


On Friday 1st of April 2011, class 4C performed their class assembly in front of the whole entire school.
It was all about The Ancient Egyptians.
It was a classic comedy drama that I rate about 4 and 1/2 stars.
It was packed full of songs and dances. And bursting with great facts.
They were fully kitted in Ancient Egyptian clothes which could be seen from a long way a way.
And if this was not enough there was even a brave little boy dressed as Cleopatra. He wore a silky pink tunic with a sparkly Navy blue tank top over the top. Boy has he got good taste in clothing.
Some of the dances they did were show class performances. I really enjoyed it and I'm sure they had a good time performing it as it was absolutely amazing.

And by the way Happy April fools day everybody !!!!!

Friday, 18 March 2011

Puzzle Day

Friday 18th of March 2011 was world puzzle day.
We had the Happy Puzzle Company come in and they set puzzles for us which were more difficult than they first seem.
You also may recognise this date as Red Nose Day !! We were also allowed to wear red.
But back to puzzle day. We completed lots of different puzzles. Like , a penguin puzzle, a road track puzzle, a castle puzzle and a handcuff puzzle which was really really tricky. But None of the puzzles were impossible. Impossible right.
I really enjoyed puzzle day.
After school that day , the happy puzzle company, set up a little stall in our school assembly hall and sold board games, the handcuffs , little eraser cubes and some really wonderful stuff.
On the whole puzzle day was really great.
And as for comic relief we raised a ton of money Which by the sound of it was donated from every-single pupil and teacher in this school.

Friday, 4 March 2011

What we have recorded at our school !!!

At our school we do music lessons. We learn how to play instruments, make poems with instruments but the best thing we do in music is recording. This is how we record songs : first of all our music teacher Mr Orr mixes the track that we have picked so they are unique and different. Then we sing to the track. After that Mr Orr puts it all together and it then is done. Whoever sings the song will each get a copy and so will the head teacher Mr Rothwell and our deputy head Mrs Pitt.
Hope you enjoy the video and the song. And as a matter of fact the song in the video was recorded at our school which was recorded by a girl group SCM. They are my friends and i think personally that it is really really unique.
Thank you for watching this video. Hope you enjoy it.

Friday, 4 February 2011

Egyptian Plaques

Year 4 have been busy with their Egyptian Topic. Here are some of the plaques they made. Thanks to the WebTeam for creating the video.

Friday, 28 January 2011


In our school we take pride in all of our lessons. So we have taken you into one of our many art lessons. We have borrowed one of our pupils to have an inside look at their work. Through the pictures displayed at the top of the screen shows the proccess of this pupils drawing of a little cat called Gerry. The cat showed in this picture is about 4 weeks old and is playing with a red ball of yarn. The stages of these images were entirely one drawing and completed in under an hour. We will be back next week to tell you about another one of our many great lessons. Completed and managed by RO, CR and AL

Cross Country

Cross country this year was really good. Some great schools like Lyndon Green and Alston were there. We enjoyed running for the school.
we were all proud where we came. Everyone had lot's of fun running. JB