On Friday 14th December 2012, class 5M did their class assembly, it was set in the time of King Arthur.
Morgana and Morgause were step sisters, and they were plotting against Camelot. Morgana decided to use her magic to bring a villain from the future to create the downfall of Camelot. Morgana said the spell and brought Dick Turpin from the future.
Dick Turpin rampaged through out the lands of Camelot. He and his two companions robbed people of their money and never got caught. One day, Dick Turpin robbed in the forest where a pack of Camelot knights were on patrol. They were eventually overpowered by King Arthur's knights. They were took to court, had their weapons removed and were sentenced to death.
Morgana and Morgause were outraged and Morgause cast a spell and it returned with Adolf Hitler. He was a powerful speaker and they thought highly of his power to persuade the king to divide the kingdom causing wars and fights over peoples rights.
Hitler was escorted to the castle where he would start his mischievous meddling. He managed to persuade Arthur to make impure blooded people in Camelot to wear a medallion saying 'Impure Blood'. Hitler was secretly delighted to see everything was going to plan, so were Morgana and Morgause.
The next thing Hitler talked about was removing
the Impure Blooded to there own town, so they would not mess with the Pure Blooded people in the town. Merlin and Gaius shared an eye conversation and Merlin decided to see the Great Dragon for advise. The Great Dragon was were merlin always went for advice. The Great Dragon explained that only a Hero with the best intentions could undo Hitler's work on Camelot. Merlin cast a spell and brought Robin Hood from the future. The question in Merlin's mind was - will he be the right hero?
Robin Hood robbed from the rich people and gave it to the poor citizens of Camelot. he brought food with the stolen money and organized a feast for the hungry people who starved. Sadly, he didn't have the right intentions to undo Hitler's work on Camelot. Merlin cast another spell and brought Mohandas Gandhi from the future. Will he be the right hero?
Gandhi was taken to the throne room and was allowed to speak to the king. Gandhi explained how the poor people felt to be left out, the hungry people left to starve and how Hitler was taking control of King Arthur and destroying the kingdom of Camelot. Arthur then realised he had been a fool an d Hitler had been controlling him. Hitler was thrown out of the palace and left in the woods to rot. Once this was done the kingdom was restored and returned to it's natural happiness.
Morgana and Morgause were outraged to find their plan had failed. They summoned Hitler and Morgana was in such a rage she speared him with her trident.
Meanwhile at the palace a great celebration was going on to celebrate the kingdoms repair and Hitler's failure. King Arthur called to Merlin and yelled to bring on the entertainment. Merlin hadn't realised he needed to organise that as well, so he summoned Bob Geldof from the future and Band aid to sing their song 'Do they know it's Christmas Time?'. Incase you don't know it we uploaded it for you all.
Thank you for reading all of the blogs over the year we had a lot of fun writing them and we hope you have a Merry Christmas!
This is all about life at Lyndon Green Junior School from the pupils point of view. Enjoy reading.
Monday, 24 December 2012
Friday, 21 December 2012
5B's class assembly
On Friday 7th December 2012, class 5B did their Class Assembly all about Dr Barnado. It all started when the Finding a Hero theme tune played with the amazing dance group Two by Two performing. After, we went straight over to Steven Fry and Davina McCall the hosts of the new programme. They had a tie-break in the votes last week between Bob Geldof ( The man who held a fund-raising concert for poor children)and Severn Suzuki ( The girl who adressed the United Nations to ask them to save the planet). When the results of the votes came through Severn had won. We all had a look at her speech.
After her 2 representatives from Lyndon Green Junior School came up to collect the awards and ipads, but instead of accepting them they refused them. They explained how true heroes like Severn don't want awards or prizes, just to know they made a difference in the world. They were taken off the stage by the people who brought on the prizes. They then welcomed on Bob Patterson who had nomminated the hero they were going to look at.When we met Bob, we found out that this hero helped him when he was a child.
Dr Barnado was born on the 4th July 1845
When we saw him it was the year 1862 when he told his parents he wanted to go and be a missionary in China. When his parent's finally accepted that he wanted to go to China, they let him go to London to train to be a doctor. When he arrived in London, it was nothing like he had expected. It was full of dirt, sick people and street sellers. Then he met a doctor and a nurse, called Dr.Simmons and Nurse Jones and they taught him how to look after the poor, sick people.
We met one sufferer of the raging disease of Cholera. She was called Mary Jarvis mother of Jim Jarvis.They got sent to the workhouse where Mary died and Jim managed to escape. He went onto the streets of London and begged for food and money with his good friend Shrimps. Jim's talent was skipping, he and Shrimps skipped to this sort of music.
After a few of these happy months, a man caught him and sold him to a cruel master that treated him severely.
The master made Jim shovel coal into a hold of the boat and they would sail down and sell the coal to a big cargo ship and go back again. The master didn't pay Jim very much so he grew quite thin. After quite a few months, Jim made a plan to escape his work. He opened the hold of the ship and brought out some planks of wood, he then picked up a piece of rope and tied up the master's dog Snipe by the neck to a nearby post and stood in wait. When the master came back from the ale house he was as drunk as a skunk as usual. He walked back home singing weirdly as he was drunk.
Jim said good night and then the master fell into the trap Jim had set up, Jim covered up the trap with planks of wood and he ran for his life. He could hear Snipe barking but didn't look back. He decided to head back towards London.
When Jim arrived in London everything had changed, due to the Industrial Revolution many people had lost their homes. The outbreak of cholera forced many people onto the streets, Jim was forced onto the streets. he met a group of street children on the streets of London and asked if he could go and live with them. They said he could but attempted to stop him as they slept on rooftops and what a bad condition it was in. Jim went with them to the rooftops and met many people and joined them for many months. But the Cholera affected many people on the rooftops so many people died. It was a horrible sight for a young child which I'm sure you'll agree.
Dr Barnado was going out for a walk to try and campaign to get money to spend on the street children, but got caught by Nurse Jones. She called to Doctor Simmons.They decided they wouldn't be able to make a Doctor out of Dr Barnado, but he found it alright as he had a new goal in life, to help the street children lead a good life while they lived. He walked out onto the streets and bumped into Jim who was seated on the street. Dr Barnado gave Jim some money and told him to accompany him on his way to the Ragged Schools. When they got there Jim was given a warm dinner and drink. Jim asked Doctor Barnado if he could help his friends as well as himself and Doctor Barnado, the teacher and two helpers went and brought the children to the Ragged Schools where the received free education and accommodation and warm food while they grew up. Dr Barnado went to public places and delivered speeches to rich people about the children. He was very persuasive and many people listening and donated money to him to help the children.
Back at the studio, Davina, Steven and Bob were telling everyone about the work the charity Barnados do. They decided to sing a song for the charity instead of awarding it a prize. They sang Blowing in the wind with Katie Melua in the background.
two by two dance group
After her 2 representatives from Lyndon Green Junior School came up to collect the awards and ipads, but instead of accepting them they refused them. They explained how true heroes like Severn don't want awards or prizes, just to know they made a difference in the world. They were taken off the stage by the people who brought on the prizes. They then welcomed on Bob Patterson who had nomminated the hero they were going to look at.When we met Bob, we found out that this hero helped him when he was a child.
Davina McCall |
Dr Barnado was born on the 4th July 1845
When we saw him it was the year 1862 when he told his parents he wanted to go and be a missionary in China. When his parent's finally accepted that he wanted to go to China, they let him go to London to train to be a doctor. When he arrived in London, it was nothing like he had expected. It was full of dirt, sick people and street sellers. Then he met a doctor and a nurse, called Dr.Simmons and Nurse Jones and they taught him how to look after the poor, sick people.
We met one sufferer of the raging disease of Cholera. She was called Mary Jarvis mother of Jim Jarvis.They got sent to the workhouse where Mary died and Jim managed to escape. He went onto the streets of London and begged for food and money with his good friend Shrimps. Jim's talent was skipping, he and Shrimps skipped to this sort of music.
After a few of these happy months, a man caught him and sold him to a cruel master that treated him severely.
The master made Jim shovel coal into a hold of the boat and they would sail down and sell the coal to a big cargo ship and go back again. The master didn't pay Jim very much so he grew quite thin. After quite a few months, Jim made a plan to escape his work. He opened the hold of the ship and brought out some planks of wood, he then picked up a piece of rope and tied up the master's dog Snipe by the neck to a nearby post and stood in wait. When the master came back from the ale house he was as drunk as a skunk as usual. He walked back home singing weirdly as he was drunk.
Jim said good night and then the master fell into the trap Jim had set up, Jim covered up the trap with planks of wood and he ran for his life. He could hear Snipe barking but didn't look back. He decided to head back towards London.
When Jim arrived in London everything had changed, due to the Industrial Revolution many people had lost their homes. The outbreak of cholera forced many people onto the streets, Jim was forced onto the streets. he met a group of street children on the streets of London and asked if he could go and live with them. They said he could but attempted to stop him as they slept on rooftops and what a bad condition it was in. Jim went with them to the rooftops and met many people and joined them for many months. But the Cholera affected many people on the rooftops so many people died. It was a horrible sight for a young child which I'm sure you'll agree.
Dr Barnado was going out for a walk to try and campaign to get money to spend on the street children, but got caught by Nurse Jones. She called to Doctor Simmons.They decided they wouldn't be able to make a Doctor out of Dr Barnado, but he found it alright as he had a new goal in life, to help the street children lead a good life while they lived. He walked out onto the streets and bumped into Jim who was seated on the street. Dr Barnado gave Jim some money and told him to accompany him on his way to the Ragged Schools. When they got there Jim was given a warm dinner and drink. Jim asked Doctor Barnado if he could help his friends as well as himself and Doctor Barnado, the teacher and two helpers went and brought the children to the Ragged Schools where the received free education and accommodation and warm food while they grew up. Dr Barnado went to public places and delivered speeches to rich people about the children. He was very persuasive and many people listening and donated money to him to help the children.
Back at the studio, Davina, Steven and Bob were telling everyone about the work the charity Barnados do. They decided to sing a song for the charity instead of awarding it a prize. They sang Blowing in the wind with Katie Melua in the background.
Friday, 30 November 2012
5E's class assembly
On 30th November 2012 class 5E did their class assembly about the heroes of America who ended segregation between black and white people. They started off by telling us (and acting!) about The Greensboro Four, a member of the Greensboro Four is Franklin McCain. He and his 3 friends discussed a sit-in at Woolworths at 39th to stand up for their human rights. They went there the next day to purchase their lunch and ignored the 'we cater for white only' sign on the wall. They couldn't be arrested as they hadn't done any damage or harm so they carried on everyday with more and more black students until the sign was removed off the wall.
Above: Franklin McCain and the Greensboro Four. |
The next scene was about Rosa's refusal to give up her seat on the bus to a white man. She had been at work and was waiting for the bus at the bus stop and took the last seat on the bus. A white man came along and told her she had to move, she said no and the man had a fit he called the police and they took her to jail. Left : Rosa in Jail
Below: Rosa being took away.
Finally they did the most known of them all, Martin Luther King. They made a class crowd around Mr King and he did his famous speech.
Next class assembly is 5B's next week about a different hero. see you then!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, 28 November 2012
Wartime food in Year 6
Today in year 6 we have been tasting food that people in WW2 would eat. These are some of the foods that we had, Vegetable Soup, Potato and Jam Pudding, Bubble and Squeak and Corn Beef Hash. Not a lot of people liked the Potato and Jam Pudding, but lots of people liked the Corn Beef Hash. All of us had a go at either cutting or peeling vegetables. All of us tried something,even if we did NOT like it. 
Wednesday, 21 November 2012
Year 6 Talking Heads
Year 6 have been busy learning about the Second World War over the past few weeks. Here is one of their talking heads.
Thursday, 25 October 2012
Tuesday, 23 October 2012
Friday, 19 October 2012
From Year 3
On Tuesday it was Eco Day. It was good fun. All of the activities sounded fun. HM
Eco Day was really fun
Eco Day was really fun

Thursday, 18 October 2012
Spy Stories and The Professor
Recently, 6C have been writing spy stories, about an invented spy and a villain. We wrote them in sections, from the beginning to the end, then we joined them up, connecting them so they made sense. At the moment we are at the stage of typing up a final copy, on the laptops. Our stories will be made into little individual booklets. NM
This week Year 6 met a Time Detective called Professor McGinty! He said he had travelled to Lyndon Green to teach us Year 6's all about World War 2! Now all the Year 6's will know so much about the different customs of World War 2.EH
This week Year 6 met a Time Detective called Professor McGinty! He said he had travelled to Lyndon Green to teach us Year 6's all about World War 2! Now all the Year 6's will know so much about the different customs of World War 2.EH
Monday, 15 October 2012
Year 6 meet Professor McGinty
Today 6C have been to meet a very funny man called Professor Mcginty! He was talking about WW2. Here are some of 6C's thought on the Professor : Joel Said that it was SICK , Jack Said it was very FUNNY! , Heenah Said That it was very funny and that it was amazing , Mr Clarke said that it was funny and that he brought learning alive! Thank you 6C for the comments!
He brought some stuff in and let two of us dress up into a WW2 man and a WW2 woman:
This is a photo of the WW2 man!
Also, one of the most funniest parts of the session was when he showed us some of his photos of him and Winston Churchill having a meeting! HA,HA!
This is a photo of the class with Professor Mcginty at the back!
Thank you for reading this!

Sunday, 14 October 2012
Year 6 Spy Stories
For the last few weeks year 6 have been writing a spy story. This because we have all being reading a book called Alex Rider (Stormbreaker). It is the first Alex Rider book of the series. All of the year group have been writing a story about a spy also a evil person / people. First the boy or girl get told they are a spy in some way or another. Next the spy has to go to spy camp after that the spy goes on the mission Then the spy gets to see the baddie or talk the baddie. Finally you get to the action part where the baddie tries to take over the world or try to kill someone and then it's the ending to the story where the baddie dies . Thank you for reading this!

Friday, 12 October 2012
10M Superheroes
I'm in class 10m. This week we started our new topic which is all about SUPER HERO'S. 

We created our own SUPERHERO'S on laptops on marvel website I really enjoyed doing that, mine was called Ross Hulk he was super strong.
On Tuesday we made wooden spoon super hero puppets, they looked good mine had a blue cape and black hair.
Today in forest school 10M are going on a
spider hunt,
I wonder if they will find SPIDERMAN.

Thursday, 11 October 2012
Year 6 Smarties investigation
This week in green maths set in year 6, we have been doing a Smarties investigation. We are doing this because we are learning about percentages in maths. We had to sort them out into colours and after that we had to draw a graph and stick it into our maths books. But we haven't eaten any yet!

Wednesday, 19 September 2012
Cross Country
Cross Country starts on Thursday 20th September at Henry Road.
The first race of the season is a league race. Children run for the school team and for an individual placing.
Depending on where they finish they can score them points in both events. The schools first four runners home sore points for the team and children who finish in the top 20 score individual points. There are separate races for girls and boys.
These points are totalled over the whole season (6 races) and the top three children and team win medals and a trophy at the end of the season. So children who are running well will need to take part each week to stay in contention and help the school for the team races.
This week will also act as a school trial for the Birchfield Harriers Cross Country event at the Alexander Stadium during the first week of October.
For the relay race the schools pick their best four boy and girl runners. In the Year 5 event only children in Year 5 or below can enter.
We ask parents/carers to take children to the events to allow as many children to take part as possible.
There is an information letter which each child has been given. If you have not received it please ask at the office.
Depending on traffic for schools travelling to the event we attempt to start by 4.00pm and be finished by 5.00pm at the latest.
The first race of the season is a league race. Children run for the school team and for an individual placing.
Depending on where they finish they can score them points in both events. The schools first four runners home sore points for the team and children who finish in the top 20 score individual points. There are separate races for girls and boys.
These points are totalled over the whole season (6 races) and the top three children and team win medals and a trophy at the end of the season. So children who are running well will need to take part each week to stay in contention and help the school for the team races.
This week will also act as a school trial for the Birchfield Harriers Cross Country event at the Alexander Stadium during the first week of October.
For the relay race the schools pick their best four boy and girl runners. In the Year 5 event only children in Year 5 or below can enter.
We ask parents/carers to take children to the events to allow as many children to take part as possible.
There is an information letter which each child has been given. If you have not received it please ask at the office.
Depending on traffic for schools travelling to the event we attempt to start by 4.00pm and be finished by 5.00pm at the latest.
Tuesday, 11 September 2012
Self Portrait
Year 4 have been busy painting pictures of themselves at the start of the year. Can you work out who is who?
Friday, 20 July 2012
Year 6 Leavers
Above are the Yr6 teachers. They are arguing over who's was going to win the Jungle Title. |
The teachers kept squabbling over who's class was the best. 6M's teacher started showing off the attendance certificates they had received over the year. They had 12! The others were annoyed with her boasting.
Some children from each of the classes sat around the golden task box. One of them opened the box and read the words: " You have to work together as a team together to perform a gymnastics presentation." The children did a great job. There was bridges, splits handstands and cartwheels. They worked extremeley hard to prepare their wonderful gym dance. Well done year 6!
Next they did the Hacker, the war dance. Unfortunatley, we didn't get any photos of this amazing piece of work, but we can tell you that it was amazing.They kept moving around the place it made eyes moved everywhere.
Tuesday, 3 July 2012
3C's assembly.
The Doctor climbed out and Yr3 pupils met him. He said they weren't intelligent and they were determined to make him wrong. They led him to a field where some Yr 3's were being Roman Soldiers. They were moving by saying Sin and Dex Latin words meaning, Left and Right. They talked about how the Roman army worked. When the Soldiers left the Doctor said he still didn't think the pupils were very clever. Some pupils talked about their Roman dig day. They said the teachers had organised it for the children to try and find some ancient artefacts. Some people found crayons others found proper Roman coins. But the Doctor still didn't think they were very clever!
Then they talked about their language alive session and how they but on hats and became different people. They said it helped them develop skills on describing a character and their feelings. The doctor said the Yr3's were finally showing they were intelligent.
They then told the Doctor about their visit to the dairy farm. They told the doctor lots of information about the dairy farm and he said they were getting there on the intelligence line.
They they brought up the Mad Science Scientists. They talked you through their stages of Science:
Detective Work &
After they walked off.
Then they finished the assembly with a good old dance to Katy Perry's Hot 'n' Cold.
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