Above are the Yr6 teachers. They are arguing over who's was going to win the Jungle Title. |
The teachers kept squabbling over who's class was the best. 6M's teacher started showing off the attendance certificates they had received over the year. They had 12! The others were annoyed with her boasting.
Some children from each of the classes sat around the golden task box. One of them opened the box and read the words: " You have to work together as a team together to perform a gymnastics presentation." The children did a great job. There was bridges, splits handstands and cartwheels. They worked extremeley hard to prepare their wonderful gym dance. Well done year 6!
Next they did the Hacker, the war dance. Unfortunatley, we didn't get any photos of this amazing piece of work, but we can tell you that it was amazing.They kept moving around the place it made eyes moved everywhere.